by Joyoga / in Health & Wellbeing
How To Let Go Of Judgement & Find A Sense Of Inner Calm
I invite you to pause for a moment and ask yourself: How many times today or yesterday did you judge...
by Joyoga / in Mindful Living
Ahimsa & How To Let Go of Negative Self-Talk
Last week's classes where themed around Ahimsa, the first of the Yamas and the overarching 'law' in ...
by Joyoga / in Mindful Living
Progress & 9 Obstacles To Living Life To Your Full Purpose
The theme of this week’s classes is PROGRESS, the act or process of getting nearer to a place or s...
by Joyoga / in Mindful Living
Exploration – How To Keep Your Sense Of Wonder
In this week’s classes we’re working with the concept of EXPLORATION, the act of searching for, ...
by Joyoga / in Mindful Living
Compassion In Action – A Quality Of The Heart
This week's theme in class has been compassion. As per definition, compassion is a feeling of deep s...
by Joyoga / in Health & Wellbeing
Moving Beyond Fear to Creation
Feeling the first rays of spring here in Australia so distinctly, this process of clearing and relea...
by Joyoga / in Mindful Living
Why Centering in your Practice is essential
The theme of this week’s classes is Centering.
According to Patanjali’s yoga sutra, one of th...
by Joyoga / in Health & Wellbeing
Hatha Yoga: Everything you need to know
In Sanskrit, the word yoga means ‘to yoke’, the joining of one thing to another. In the West, th...
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